23 and 30 March 2013 Fermentation Workshops

23 & 30 March 2013 Fermentation Workshops

23 and 30 March 2013 Fermentation workshopsHealthy Cooking Classes in Bozeman

Two weekends exploring fermentation—the traditional art of preserving fresh food by encouraging the growth of good bacteria. What’s most amazing to me is that this is the only method of food preservation that actually adds nutrients including enzymes, vitamins and probiotic bacteria.23 and 30 March 2013 Fermentation Workshops

Twenty people from Bozeman, Belgrade, Helena and Livingston participated. Each workshop consisted of almost four hours of tasting and pounding and tasting some more.

23 and 30 March 2013 Fermentation WorkshopsIn addition, everyone took home a jar of kimchi to ferment in their own kitchen. The reports are coming in that the kimchi is and was delicious.

“What a delightful, informative time spent learning about fermentation. The White Kimchi with Black Fried Rice and Poached Egg was delicious…the fig jam (so creamy, yummy), Giardiniera, crispy nuts, on and on, all the delicious fermented foods which I could eat all day, every day. Thanks so much for a most wonderful experience. Being a visual learner, I now feel quite confident in attempting to make these healthy recipes.”  TS

Thank you, Robin Mascari, for taking these wonderful photos during the Saturday, March 30th class. Robin captured so much vitality and fun along with the serious business of learning.23 and 30 March 2013 Fermentation Workshops

23 and 30 March 2013 Fermentation Workshops“I just wanted to say thank you again for the class on Saturday.  It was fun, informative, and yummy and I’ve been making lots of stuff this week!  I made the lebnah (and my own z’atar!), and last night we had my own version of the kimchi fried rice (I put tofu in mine), and I’m having a blast and am excited about making some of these items a regular part of our eating.”  AZ

23 and 30 March 2013 Fermentation WorkshopsFermentation is such an important and increasingly popular topic. I so enjoy these workshops. An opportunity to demystify the process, discuss the benefits, and share lacto-fermentation foods and recipes with everyone. If you’re interested in attending a workshop in Bozeman or bringing me to your part of the country, let’s talk about it. Use the contact form or email me directly janice@EverydayHealthyEverydayDelicious.com