Me at Baker Street (c) lstuber

6 June 2012 Baker Street, Bozeman, Montana

Tapenade Platter (c) LStuberJump-Start Your Health:
Seven Keys for Living Everyday Healthy! Everyday Delicious!

We had a wonderful event at Baker Street, Bozeman’s premier kitchen store in the
Gallatin Valley Mall, on Wednesday, June 6th

We sampled Sundried Tomato & Greek Olive Tapenade
w/ Jicama, Belgian Endive & Radicchio

Everyone received handouts on the World’s Healthiest Foods
and The Environmental Working Group’s Dirty Dozen & Clean Fifteen

Here are a few photos from the afternoon. Thank you, Lynda Stuber for taking the photos:

Setting up for the class with Kate (c) lstuberVegetables for Tapenade (c) jfhaugenPreparing Tapenade (c) lstuber