Zucchini in the morning, zucchini in the evening, zucchini at supper time.
Crispy Zucchini Chips, you can eat them all the time.
Sung to the tune of Sugartime
Zucchini All the Time
Summer squash in all shapes and shades of green, yellow and gold adorned our farmers’ market tables these past few weeks. Golden zucchini and my favorite Italiano largo came home with me in my well-used African market basket. Rather photogenic squash, I didn’t wait long to take their portraits. Especially the golden zucchini with the carrot leaf tattoo.
By now you’ve probably prepared and enjoyed zucchini in any number of ways. But have you ever tried oven-baking it and making Crispy Zucchini Chips?
Crispy Zucchini Chips
Other than photographs, these picturesque zucchini made the most incredibly thin, crunchy and Crispy Zucchini Chips. What a discovery. I found a number of recipes on the internet all using different cooking times and temperatures. I believe I’ve cracked the code for crispy, golden chips with long, slow baking.
A whole lot of shrinking going on
Zucchini are 95% water. Think about it. All of that water must evaporate during the baking to have crispy chips. As the little slices shrink and become even littler, lots and lots of zucchini are needed to have a bowl full of these healthy baked chips. The only limit is the number of pans that can fit into your oven.
A word of caution: be careful with the salt. With all that shrinking going on a little salt goes a very long way.
Sunshine and smiles
For our third year in a row, a dear friend and I went to Rocky Creek Farm to pick sunflowers. The single sunflower below weighed in at over a pound and measures 10-inches across! The rest of the sunflowers fit all together in a glass vase.
Gone camping
We’ve gone camping in Yellowstone Park next to the Madison River and not far from Old Faithful. I’ll share some photos when we return. We’ll have our traveling dining car with us and all the ingredients for a breakfast or two of Miso Soup with Vegetables and Soba Noodles – Camping Version.
And, just in case you tire of Crispy Zucchini Chips, I’ll share another favorite recipe for Roasted Zucchini w/ Basil and/or Pesto when we return.
Crispy Zucchini Chips
This is a great use for lots of zucchini. You won’t believe how much the slices shrink. Slow baked, vegan and healthy, Crispy Zucchini Chips are golden brown and satisfyingly noisy.
Active time: 10 minutes Printer-Friendly Recipe
Total time: 3 hours
- Preheat the oven to 175 degrees
Very thinly slice medium zucchini. These were sliced with a food processor fitted with the #10 slicing blade.
- Line sheet pans with parchment paper. Lay out the slices so that they touch one another though don’t overlap. Spray with olive oil. Sprinkle very lightly with coarse salt. (I use a grinder with Himalayan salt.)
Depending upon the thickness of the slices, Zucchini Chips will take from 1 hour for paper-thin slices, to almost 3 hours for #10 slices to turn golden brown and thoroughly crisp. Rotate the pans every hour for even baking.