Give Thanks for Unknown Blessings Already on Their Way.
Native American Prayer
We increase our joy, create loving relationships and improve our health through the simple act of expressing gratitude. The more we give thanks, the more we have to be thankful for. A simple natural law. Whether silent, aloud, individually or as a group, to give thanks and to express our gratitude makes every meal a feast—most especially on Thanksgiving Day.
May you and your family and friends
enjoy a most healthy and delicious Thanksgiving Day! ♥ ♥ ♥
A Thanksgiving Quiz
Rather than sharing yet another recipe for your Thanksgiving meal, I’m sharing my Thanksgiving Quiz instead.
For years now, around our Thanksgiving table we take a moment for a Thanksgiving Quiz to spark our memory of the details of the Thanksgiving story. Amazing how much we forget from year to year let alone from elementary school to the present. Fifteen years ago when we took our first quiz, my score was barely passing. This year, I just may have an advantage . . . as I created the quiz.
Another reason to give thanks
The Thanksgiving Quiz comes with an answer sheet.
Print out the quiz and the answer sheet
A Thanksgiving Quiz
1. How Many days did the first Thanksgiving celebrations last?
A. Two
B. Three
C. Five
D. Seven
2. In what year was the first nationwide Thanksgiving celebrated?
A. 1621
B. 1899
C. 1777
D. 1925
3. Who was the first U.S. President to declare a national day of Thanksgiving?
A. George Washington
B. Abraham Lincoln
C. Franklin D. Roosevelt
D. Theodore Roosevelt
4. After their first disastrous winter in the colony, the Pilgrims were assisted by a Patauxet Indian who taught them how and where to catch fish and how to fertilize their crops. What was his name?
A. Powhaten
B. Squanto
C. Massawippi
D. Pocahontas
5. What did the Pilgrims call their new colony?
A. Jamestown
B. Plymouth
C. Roanoke
6. Local Native Americans from which tribe were invited to the Pilgrims’ Thanksgiving celebration?
A. Wampanoag
B. Iroquois
C. Patauxet
D. Algonquin
7. What was the name of the leader of the Wampanoag at the time of the first Thanksgiving?
A. Tsquantum
B. Crazy Horse
C. Massasoit
D. Benjamin Franklin
8. How long had the Wampanoag been living in the Cape Cod area when the English settlers arrived?
A. 100,000 years
B. 500 years
C. 12,000 years
D. 10 years
9. What year did the Pilgrims celebrate the first Thanksgiving?
A. 1620
B. 1621
C. 1622
D. 1630
10. Which of the following foods may not have been a part of the first Thanksgiving?
A. Deer
B. Turkey
C. Clams
D. Cranberries
E. Ducks
F. Pumpkin
G. Corn
H. Plums
I. None of the above
11. What was the name of the ship the Pilgrims took to reach America?
A. The Speedwell
B. The Bounty
C. The Godspeed
D. The Mayflower
12. In 1941, the U.S. Congress passed a resolution making Thanksgiving Day the fourth Thursday in November rather than the last Thursday of the month. What was the purpose of the change?
A. To avoid potential snowstorms in the North East
B. To put it in line with the original Thanksgiving celebration
C. To extend the Christmas shopping season
D. All of the above
13. Who was the governor of the Plymouth Colony at the time of the first Thanksgiving celebration?
A. Miles Standish
B. John Alden
C. Edward Southworth
D. William Bradford
14. Which U.S. President established Thanksgiving as an annual holiday?
A. George Washington
B. Abraham Lincoln
C. Franklin D. Roosevelt
D. Rutherford B. Hayes
15. What woman writer is credited with persuading President Lincoln in 1863 to make Thanksgiving a national holiday?
A. Louisa May Alcott
B. Joyce Carol Oates
C. Harriet Beecher Stowe
D. Sarah Josepha Hale
16. True or False Thanksgiving is the biggest travel day of the year in the U.S.?
17. What animal does the President traditionally “pardon” each Thanksgiving?
A. A dog
B. A turkey
C. A goose
D. A pig