Happy New Year to Friends Far and Near

Happy New Year to Friends Far & Near

Happy New Year to Friends Far and Near Wishing you a Healthy, Prosperous, Delicious and Happy New Year!

♥ May love increase, may cares all cease and all the world rejoice in peace ♥

Good Fortune & Good Health Just May Go Hand-in-Hand
Choose the foods you eat in and around the New Year wisely, as they set the sail for the year to come. Happy New Year to Friends Far and Near Leafy greens and legumes are considered heralds of prosperity and good fortune. Whereas eating poultry could cause good luck to get up and fly away.

Leafy greens resemble folded paper money
There is a saying that the more greens you eat, the greater your fortune in the coming year. Thus, greens are essential to many New Year’s meals. From cabbage (as sauerkraut) in Germany, to collards in the Southern U.S., to stewed kale with sugar and cinnamon in Denmark.

Legumes are swell
As small round lentils bear a resemblance to coins, there’s the Italian New Year’s Eve ritual of eating lentils for greater financial success. Though lentils may start out small, they Happy New Year to Friends Far and Nearswell to at least double their size when cooked. Thus eating lentils is thought to swell the fortunes of those who eat them. (Roasted Vegetable and Lentil Salad, anyone?)

But it’s not just lentils. As all legumes have these swelling properties, legumes are eaten on, before or just after New Year’s Day in countries around the world. Lentil or split pea soup in Germany; lentil soup or lentils and rice in Brazil; sweet black beans in Japan; and, in the U.S., Southerners seek good luck by eating Hoppin’ John, a dish of black-eyed peas and rice.

Happy New Year to Friends Far and NearYou can just imagine the good fortune that follows those who eat these huge Corona Beans and Greens.

Even better together
Most impressively, these New Year traditions revolve around dark, leafy greens and legumes. Both of which are nutrient-rich superfoods and supporters of good health. Eating more healthfully in 2016 just may be the easiest New Year’s resolution to keep. As the same foods that enhance your physical health, may also advance your financial health.

Happy New Year to you all. May you have good health,
good fortune and a most delicious 2016!