Sugar Plums (c) jfhaugen

Merry Christmas & Happy Hanukkah!

Sugar Plums (c) jfhaugen

From My Kitchen to Yours

Whoa, what a most wonderful time of year! Colorful lights brighten our long winter nights and Christmas songs play in most every store, elevatorCarl Larsson Brita as Iduna and mall. (I know this first-hand as a friend and I have just begun “mall-walking.” And this time of year, mall-walking is to the beat of a wide variety of Christmas tunes.) Most of the time I don’t listen, yet my head still fills up with music, rhyme, Santa Claus and jingle bells.

Here are some lyrics that I do listen to and sing along with whenever they play. They’re from the last verse of I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day:

And the bells they’re ringing
Like a choir they’re singing
And with our hearts we hear them
Peace on earth, good will to men
Do you hear the bells they’re ringing?
Delight the angels singing
Open up your heart and hear them
Peace on earth, Good will to men
Peace on earth, Peace on earth,
Peace on earth, Good will to men.

I don’t seem to hear or know many Hanukkah songs, so I am pleased toPublic Menorah in Denetsk, Ukraine photo by Andrew Butko share this creative take on The Twelve Nights of Christmas entitled The Eight Nights of Hanukkah. You can easily work backwards from this last line to fill in the other seven nights 😉

On the eighth night of Hanukkah, someone sent to me, eight fiddlers fiddling, seven rabbis dancing, six grandmas cooking, five kosher dills, four pounds of corned beef, three golden latkes, two matzoh balls, and a warm bagel topped with cream cheese.

However you celebrate, may it be delicious in every way!

Warm wishes I send to you for a Merry Christmas and a Happy Hanukkah. I hope you enjoy every moment as you prepare gifts of food from your heart and kitchen for friends and family. It has been so very much fun sharing these recipes with you and hearing from you that they have been delicious and well received.

Enjoy the holidays and look forward to some new recipes next week including a most festive and tasty Roasted Vegetable & Lentil Salad for both good fortune and good health in the New Year.

Happy Holidays to You!