Healthy Delicious Joyous Holidays to You and Yours

Healthy Delicious Joyous Holidays to You and YoursHere are a few of my favorite things . . .

  Healthy Delicious Joyous Holidays    Food, Beautiful Food that we can Grow, Cook, Eat and Share    Walking through a Sunlit Forest  ♥  Laughter and Friendship    My Christmas Blooming Azzalea    Flickering Candle Light, Campfires, Fireplaces and Colored Lights  Continue reading Healthy Delicious Joyous Holidays to You and Yours

Happy Healthy Delicious Holidays to You and Yours!

Happy Healthy Delicious Holidays to You!

Happy Healthy Delicious Holidays to You From Everyday Healthy! Everyday Delicious!

Our Christmas Blooming Amaryllis

May its splendid beauty, strength and determination be with you throughout the Holiday season and the New Year.
♥ ♥ ♥
Celebrate one of the greatest joys of this time of year by cooking something wonderful for those you love.

“For is there any practice less selfish, any labor less alienated, any time less wasted, than preparing something delicious and nourishing for people you love?”
Michael Pollan, Cooked

In gratitude for each and every one of you — your comments, your successes, your suggestions, your questions, your love of food and cooking.

May Health, Wholeness and Deep Peace be with you in 2019.

Janice Feuer Haugen

Edible Gifts from Your Kitchen

Edible Gifts from Your KitchenEdible Gifts Celebrate the Season

Visions of sugar plums, cookies and truffles and jars of fermented mustard and jam. It’s that time of year when if you love to cook, you celebrate the season with a bite of something homemade. Then share these edible gifts from your kitchen with friends and family. As well as with Continue reading Edible Gifts from Your Kitchen

Honey Apple Tarte Tatin – Exceptionally Delicious

Honey Apple Tarte Tatin – Exceptionally DeliciousHoney Apple Tarte Tatin – Caramelized Upside-Down Apple Tart

Master Pastry Chef Jacques Auber’s recipe for this classic French caramelized upside-down apple tart is a bit different from any other recipe I’ve come across. Though the ingredients are the same, apples, butter, honey (my change) and a round of puff pastry, his technique creates an exceptionally delicious combination. Though a bit complex it’s not difficult to prepare. Continue reading Honey Apple Tarte Tatin – Exceptionally Delicious