Everyday Healthy! Everyday Delicious!

http://www.flickr.com/photos/nataliemaynor/530316492/Welcome to my site. I hope you will join me in the weeks/months/years ahead as I share with you my enthusiasm about all things food, my philosophy about diet as our way of life, and my creativity in the kitchen with mostly vegetarian recipes. Below are my personal beliefs as well as the guidelines underlying my recipes for living everyday healthy–everyday delicious. Continue reading Everyday Healthy! Everyday Delicious!

The Perfect Diet

As a kid, my perfect diet could easily have been ice cream and frosted flakes and peanut butter.Girl eating ice cream http://www.flickr.com/photos/williamglen/3172916309/ As a teenager, it would have been salads (iceberg lettuce with either French or Thousand Island dressing), Chinese food and my mother’s shrimp cocktail. For awhile as a pastry chef who imbibed sweets all day long, it was Chinese Chicken Salad, cheeses from around the world and espresso.
Later on in life, my perfect diets had names such as raw food, macrobiotic and ovo-lacto vegetarian. Continue reading The Perfect Diet