Tips, Techniques and Plant-Centered Recipes for Appetizers, Desserts, Mains, Salads, Sides. . .plus, the Best Braised Turkey, Too
Thanksgiving on your mind? Fear not, there’s plenty of time to get organized for one of the best, and certainly most delicious, holidays of the year. Here’s your Thanksgiving Checklist to assist you in planning your menu, shopping, prepping and cooking an almost stress-free feast.
Thanksgiving Checklist Simplified
- Choose your recipes. Here’s a list of 18 favorites.
- Determine how much of each dish to prepare.
- Then write your shopping list with quantities and organize the list by store. Perhaps highlighting items from each store in a different color. Or, make separate lists with the items from each store .
- Create a prep list. Make a separate list of what can be done in advance from shopping to pie crusts. Starting today, do everything in advance that can be done in advance.
- Check your pots and pans, serving platters and bowls, tableware. Purchase or borrow those that you’ll need.
- Make a very detailed, day-by-day timeline for Thanksgiving Week.
- Consider this step fundamental for more ease and less stress.
Your Very Detailed Thanksgiving Guide and Checklist
Read through and even copy this very detailed checklist. In the midst of Thanksgiving preparation, it is sooo helpful to have all the details in one place. Plus, checking items off on a list is especially satisfying.
When you feel overwhelmed, look at your Thanksgiving Checklist
Then, read this quote from Michael Pollan and remember all that you love about Thanksgiving.
“For is there any practice less selfish, any labor less alienated, any time less wasted, than preparing something delicious and nourishing for people you love?”
― Michael Pollan, Cooked: A Natural History of Transformation
Now, go have fun making this a most enjoyable Thanksgiving Day.
Note: the wonderful top-of-the-post painting is
Apple Pie, by Dan DiPaolo